Scrum Poster: The anatomy of a Sprint
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Before we can start doing sprints, we need a list of everything we need to improve the product. In Scrum, these things are called Backlog items, aggregated in a Product Backlog. Besides backlog items, the product backlog also contains a product goal. The product goal serves as a long-term objective for the Scrum Team to plan the work against.
Now let's take a further look. At the center, you see the core of Scrum: the anatomy of a Sprint. A Sprint contains four timeboxed events or ceremonies in which the Scrum Team comes together.
The first event of a Sprint is the Sprint Planning. It contains three things: the sprint goal, selected backlog items, and a plan. Every day of the Sprint, there is a Daily Scrum meant for planning the next 24 hours and discussing the Sprint Goal's progress. At the end of a Sprint, two more events are organized. First, a Sprint Review and the second event at the end of the Sprint is the Sprint Retrospective. After this event, a new Sprint can kick-off.
Time to introduce you to the heroes of Scrum, functioning as a self-managing team. First, the Product Owner, the sole person accountable for managing the product backlog and maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum team. Next, we have the Developers. They decide what can be done during the Sprint by selecting high-priority items from the Product backlog. And last but not least, we have a Scrum Master. The Scrum Master should help everyone understand and embrace the Scrum values, principles, and practices during the entire Sprint.
Let this poster provide you an overview to help you understand and master Scrum.
We highly recommend you to check out our course, A Smarter Introduction to Scrum, to learn even more.
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